Ep54 - 1 Year Podversary w/Stacey Flowers: Why Earning More Money Requires a Mental Shift - Part 1


Happy 1 year anniversary to I Am Achie Podcast! I cannot believe an entire year has passed! This has been an amazing experience and an adventurous ride and it only gets better from here! I decided that I want to start sharing the stories of successful women who have overcome limiting beliefs to get to where they are now.

Happy 1 year anniversary to I Am Achie Podcast! I cannot believe an entire year has passed! This has been an amazing experience and an adventurous ride and it only gets better from here!

I decided that I want to start sharing the stories of successful women who have overcome limiting beliefs to get to where they are now. Many times we see what we perceive as the “finished product” but we don’t know the story behind what it took to get them where they are. And not the physical work, but the mental shifts that had to take place before they were elevated. 

Today is the kickoff to that content.

I had a mind-blowing and life-altering conversation with my amazing friend and powerhouse Stacey Flowers! It was so good that this episode is going to be broken up into 2 parts because we chatted for so long. Grab your water, your notepad and headphones and let’s hop in! 

Connect with Stacey!

Website: www.StaceyFlowers.com

IG: www.instagram.com/staceyflowers

YouTube: www.youtube.com/staceyflowers

TedTalk: https://youtu.be/yZRCFK1n-NM

Coaching Program: www.staceyflowers.com/coaching

GREAT NEWS! In order to support you on a more intentional and intimate level, I have decided to reopen a few slots in my schedule for individual coaching sessions. If you need a boost of clarity in your personal life, relationship or business, you want to take advantage of the 35% discount. Schedule your session by visiting: www.iamachie.com/coaching.

*If this episode was informative or helpful and you’d like to support my work, I’ll always say yes to a cup of coffee or feel free to leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

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This personal development journey is extremely necessary but it can be overwhelming and mind-boggling. Need a little guidance on where to start? Click here to grab a free audio training & guide on how to simplify the process and only focus on TWO things!

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